Friday, February 8, 2013

The Roommate

Everybody knows that one of the most vital aspects of the college experience is the roommate. The majority of the time, individuals are placed with another incoming freshman that they have never met before and they are informed that they will be living together. Strange right. Well, as RA's it is our job to do all that we can to make this new transition as smooth as possible. We hand out roommate agreement forms that allow roommates to lay down ground rules for the room from the get go. RA's also initiated random events on the hall that allow the roommates to interact not only with each other but with the other people on the hall as well. Most importantly, RA's are around to help roommates solve conflicts and determine if they will still be a good fit for one another as roommates. It is cool to have the opportunity to work one on one with all of the guys on your hall and being able to help them in many ways other than just having events.

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